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Brookside Park

About Brookside Park

Brookside Park was established in 1898 and is 108 acres of rolling wooded green space located less than five minutes from downtown Indianapolis. There are numerous recreational opportunities available within the park boundaries that will appeal to all ages and walks of life. Outdoor amenities range from a disc golf course, shelters, and basketball and tennis courts. The heart of Brookside Park is the 20,000 square foot Family Center built in 1928 which is home to an auditorium, gymnasium, and classrooms which are available for rent.

Both playgrounds at Brookside Park will be replaced with brand new playgrounds in 2024 with funding from the American Rescue Plan.

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Winter Warming Center

During extreme temperatures and weather events, Indy Parks Family Centers are available as cooling or warming centers during open hours. To learn more, visit parks.indy.gov/extremeweather

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