small park surrounded by city streets with a red and orange glass sculpture in it.
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Ransom Place

About Ransom Place Park

Ransom Place is a pocket park located on Indiana Avenue. Named after Freeman Bailey Ransom, this space serves as a gateway into the Ransom Place neighborhood. An influential lawyer, businessman, and civic activist, Freeman Bailey Ransom came to Indianapolis in 1910 after completing his law degree. He was an integral force behind the success of the Madame C.J. Walker Company. He served as the company’s attorney and general manager. Ransom was a member of the city county council as well as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).  

The park’s design, in collaboration with KIB and the Ransom Place Neighborhood Association, incorporates native trees and wildlife as landscape, along with interpretive signage about Ransom Place and a small stage for gatherings and performances. 

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