Photo overlooking a pond, greenery, and a trail
Home / Rentals, Refunds & Permits / Request a Refund

Request a Refund

View the Indy Parks Refund Policy.

Refund Request/Exception

Please complete this form to request a refund.

Name of Requester (*needs to be the person who paid for rental/program)(Required)
Name of child/participant (If this is different than payer)
Address (that was current at time of registration or rental(Required)
Mailing Address (mailing address if changed since registered or rented facility)(Required)
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 100 MB.
    Please upload any photos or documents that are needed for processing. If none are needed, you may skip. For questions as to what may be needed, please contact Indy Parks Customer Service at 317-327-7275 opt 2 or
    I have read the refund policy.(Required)
    If you need to review Indy Parks Refund Policy, please use link at top of this form to view the policy.
    How would you like to receive your refund if the request is approved?(Required)

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